The winner and the face of the Celebrity Babies Online Kiddies Contest is determined by highest number of votes. The Superstar with the highest number of votes at the end of the contest will be Crowned the new face of Celebrity Babies! A VOTE COSTS 50 NAIRA ONLY, and you can vote for your baby as many times as you wish. Voting is done via direct transfer.

The steps to vote are as follows:

  1. Make a transfer of your preferred amount to our official account. (Remember a vote costs 50 naira so send the equivalent amount of the votes you wish to cast e.g;  #10,000 will give you 200 votes, #2,000 will give you 40 votes, #5,000 will give you 100 votes and so on…). NOTE THAT YOU CAN VOTE  ANY AMOUNT YOU WISH, AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WISH!
  2. Send your proof of payment to our official whatsapp line for confirmation.
  3. All votes will reflect on the profile of your favorite Superstar once they are confirmed.

tips to win


Every parent can vote for their baby during the contest. However, we advise that parents invite friends, family and fans to also support their little ones on their journey to Superstardom. We also advise that you take advantage of your social media platforms to campaign and get as many supporters as possible involved. (You can campaign using your baby’s campaign frame available on his/her profile)


ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS! Our customer care team is at your beck and call! Kindly take advantage of this by making enquiries and getting first hand information about all Celebrity Babies updates. Also, please ensure to visit the TOWN CRIER page frequently for all the latest updates. Lastly, follow and actively interact with our social media platforms to stay up to date about all events taking place in the contest. At The Celebrity Babies Online Kiddies Contest, INFORMATION IS POWER.

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